General Terms and Conditions


  1. We conclude contracts with entrepreneurs (§§ 310 para. 1, 14 German Civil Code (BGB)), legal entities under public law, and special funds under public law for deliveries and services to be provided to us only in accordance with our respectively valid General Terms and Conditions of Purchase (GTCP).
  2. Our GTCP also apply to all future contracts in the ongoing business relationship with our supplier. The supplier can access and download our GTCP at any time on the Internet at We will also send them to the supplier free of charge upon request. We will send the GTCP to foreign suppliers at the latest with our order and each order confirmation in the contract language.
  3. Any general terms and conditions of the supplier are hereby expressly rejected. Any terms and conditions of the supplier that contradict, deviate from, supplement, or unilaterally impose conditions on our GTCP shall not apply, even if we do not expressly object to them or unconditionally render or accept services, unless we have expressly agreed to such conditions in writing in individual cases.
  1. Conclusion of contract
    1. If the supplier submits an offer to us or if its order confirmation deviates from our order, the contract is only concluded upon receipt of our written confirmation. The technical documents, drawings, material specifications, and other information attached to an offer are an essential part of the offer.
    2. If an offer made by us for the conclusion of a contract is "non-binding," we can revoke it freely until the supplier's declaration of acceptance is received. The binding effect of an offer made by us expires at the latest 10 working days after the offer is received by the supplier if the supplier does not confirm the offer in writing or by unconditionally dispatching the goods within this period.
    3. The supplier is bound by its offer for 4 weeks from receipt by us.
    4. The preparation of offers and the development of projects by the supplier are non-binding and free of charge for us.
    5. We can demand changes to the delivery item in terms of design and execution within the scope of what is reasonable for the supplier. The effects, particularly regarding additional or reduced costs and delivery dates, are to be regulated appropriately by mutual agreement.
    6. If there are unforeseen changes in demand after the conclusion of the contract, such as changes or cancellations by our customers, we are still entitled to change the specifications for planning and execution of the delivery against reimbursement of any additional expenses incurred by the supplier, including a proportionate profit.
  2.  Prices, invoices, payments
    1. The price stated in our order is binding. Price increases are excluded after the conclusion of the contract. If the supplier reduces its prices or improves the conditions between the order and delivery, these shall apply. All prices include statutory VAT unless it is separately stated.
    2. Invoices must include all necessary evidence and references to the order data (invoice date, delivery date, order items, order number, order reference number, respective item number, tax number, etc.). Payment and discount periods do not begin until we have received a verifiable invoice. Invoices must be submitted in two copies, whereby the duplicate must be labelled as such.
    3. Sofern im Einzelfall nicht anderes vereinbart ist, schließt der Preis alle Leistungen und Nebenleistungen des Lieferanten (z.B. Montage, Einbau) sowie alle Nebenkosten (z.B. ordnungsgemäße Verpackung, Transportkosten einschließlich eventueller Transport- und Haftpflichtversicherung) ein.
    4. Unless otherwise agreed in individual cases, we make payments within 14 days of complete delivery of the goods and receipt of a verifiable invoice with a 3% discount or within 30 days without deductions. For the timeliness of our payments, it is sufficient that our transfer order is received by our bank with a sufficiently covered account; we are not responsible for delays caused by the banks involved.
    5. We are entitled to set-off and retention rights as well as the defence of non-performance of the contract to the extent provided by law. In particular, we are entitled to withhold due payments as long as we still have claims against the supplier arising from incomplete or defective services.
    6. The supplier is not entitled to assign its claim against us or have it collected by third parties without our prior consent, which may not be unreasonably withheld. For advance assignments within the framework of a retention of title by the supplier's upstream suppliers, consent is granted only on the condition that set-off by us with counterclaims acquired after notification of such assignments is permissible.
    7. We do not owe any interest on arrears. In the event of default, the statutory provisions apply.
  3. Delivery Dates and Deadlines, Delay, Contractual Penalty
    1. The delivery or performance time agreed with the supplier is binding. We do not accept any reservation of timely self-delivery. The supplier is obliged to inform us immediately in writing if the supplier ist likely to be unable to meet agreed delivery times.
    2. The delivery period begins with the conclusion of the contract. The decisive factor for compliance with the delivery date or delivery period is the receipt of the goods by us. This also applies to shipping documents, operating instructions, technical documents, any required test or quality protocols, and other certificates that are part of the supplier's performance.
    3. If the day on which the delivery is to be made can be determined based on the contract, the supplier will be in default at the end of this day without the need for a reminder from us.
    4. Acceptance of late deliveries does not constitute a waiver of claims due to the delay.
    5. We are entitled to demand a contractual penalty of 0.5% of the net order value of the delayed goods for each week of delay, up to a maximum of 5%. The reservation of the assertion of the contractual penalty can be declared until the final payment. The assertion of further rights remains unaffected. The contractual penalty is to be credited against the supplier's delay damages.
  4.  Terms of delivery, transfer of ownership, spare parts
    1. Unless otherwise agreed in individual cases, delivery is made according to the delivery condition "DDP" (Incoterms 2020) to our facility in Troisdorf, Germany.
    2. The transfer of ownership of the goods to us must take place unconditionally and regardless of the payment of the price. However, if we accept an offer from the supplier for the transfer of ownership conditional on the payment of the purchase price in individual cases, the supplier's retention of title expires at the latest upon payment of the purchase price for the delivered goods. We remain authorised to resell the goods in the ordinary course of business even before payment of the purchase price, with the advance assignment of the resulting claim (alternatively, the simple and extended retention of title applies to resale). All other forms of retention of title are excluded; in particular the extended, forwarded, and extended retention of title to further processing.
    3. The supplier is obliged to keep spare parts for the products delivered to us available for at least 5 years after the last delivery. If the supplier intends to discontinue the production of spare parts for the products delivered to us, the supplier will inform us immediately after the decision to discontinue..
  5. Confidentiality
    1. "Confidential Information" within the meaning of the following confidentiality obligation includes trade secrets within the meaning of § 2 No. 1 German Trade Secrets Act (GeschGehG), even if no appropriate protective measures within the meaning of § 2 No. 1 lit. b German Trade Secrets Act (GeschGehG )have been taken. It also includes all information about us (e.g., data, documents, drawings, samples, and know-how) that is made accessible to the supplier in the context of the respective contract and/or the negotiations for this contract and that is marked as confidential or is recognisably confidential by its nature. The medium on which the Confidential Information is embodied is irrelevant; oral information is also included.
    2. The supplier is obliged to treat the Confidential Information strictly confidentially and not to disclose or make it accessible to third parties without our written consent. The supplier will take appropriate precautions to protect the Confidential Information, at least those precautions with which the supplier protect particularly sensitive information about its own company, and take appropriate confidentiality measures within the meaning of § 2 para. 1 No. 2 lit. b German Trade Secrets Act (GeschGehG).
    3. The supplier is not entitled to use the Confidential Information disclosed by us for any purpose other than for the fulfilment of the respective contract. The acquisition of trade secrets by observing, examining, dismantling, or testing products, samples, or other corresponding Confidential Information provided by a party, which are in the lawful possession of the receiving party, is prohibited. This prohibition ends as soon as the respective product, sample, or other Confidential Information has been made publicly available by us.
    4. The supplier's confidentiality obligations do not apply to information for which the supplier can prove that:
    • we have given prior written consent to its disclosure or use by the supplier in the specific case;
    • it was obvious before the conclusion of this confidentiality obligation;
    • the supplier obtained it from a third party before the conclusion of this confidentiality obligation or thereafter without violating this confidentiality declaration, provided that the third party was lawfully in possession of the Confidential Information and did not violate a binding confidentiality obligation by disclosing it; or
    • the supplier is legally obliged to disclose the Confidential Information or is required to do so by the rules of a stock exchange or by an enforceable order of a competent court or authority.
    1. This confidentiality obligation ends five years after termination of the business relationship.
  1. Non-Conforming Delivery or Performance
    1. Our rights in the event of material and legal defects of the goods (including incorrect and short delivery as well as improper assembly, defective assembly, operating, or user instructions) and in the event of other breaches of duty by the supplier are governed by the statutory provisions, unless otherwise specified below.
    2. The supplier is particularly liable for ensuring that the goods have the agreed or customary quality, especially that they comply with the state of the art.
    3. The statutory inspection and notification obligations pursuant to § 377 German Commercial Code (HGB) apply with the following proviso: our inspection obligation upon receipt of goods is limited to defects that are apparent during an external examination, including the delivery documents, as part of our quality control by sampling (e.g., transport damage, incorrect and short delivery). If acceptance is agreed, there is no inspection obligation. Otherwise, the extent to which an inspection is feasible in the ordinary course of business, considering the circumstances of the individual case, is decisive.
    4. Recourse claims within a supply chain (supplier recourse pursuant to §§ 445a, 445b, 478 German Civil Code (BGB)) are available to us without restriction in addition to the defect claims. In particular, we are entitled to demand from the supplier the type of subsequent performance (repair or replacement) that we owe to our customer in the individual case. Our statutory right of choice (§ 439 para. 1 German Civil Code (BGB)) is not restricted by this.
  2. Liability of the Supplier
    1. Der Lieferant haftet für die Verletzung vertraglicher Pflichten nach den The supplier is liable for breaches of contractual obligations in accordance with statutory provisions.
    2. The supplier is responsible for all claims asserted by third parties that are attributable to a product supplied by the supplier. The supplier must indemnify us against liability to third parties upon first request.
    3. The supplier must bear the costs incurred in the context of a recall action that must be carried out due to a defective product caused by the supplier.
  3. Intellectual Property
    1. By concluding the contract, the supplier does not acquire any rights to images, drawings, models, plans, software, samples, and other documents, unless this is essential for the execution of the contract. All our related rights, including copyrights, trademark rights, company rights, and know-how rights, remain with us. Without our express written consent, images, drawings, models, plans, software, samples, and other documents may not be reproduced, distributed, disclosed, or made accessible to third parties by the customer. They are to be used exclusively for manufacturing based on our order.
    2. Upon request, at the latest with the final delivery, or if the order is not placed, the images, drawings, models, plans, software, samples, and other documents must be returned to us immediately without any objections.
    3. The supplier guarantees that the goods delivered by it do not infringe any third-party intellectual property rights in the countries of the European Union or other countries where the supplier manufactures or have the products manufactured.
    4. If we are held liable by a third party for an infringement of intellectual property rights due to the delivered goods, the supplier will, at its discretion and expense, either obtain a right of use for the affected goods or modify the performance object in coordination with us so that the intellectual property right is not infringed, unless we are responsible for the infringement. The supplier will fully indemnify us against all third-party claims, including the costs of legal defense and/or legal prosecution, upon first written request.
  4. Data Protection
    1. The use of our data is only permitted within the framework of the statutory provisions without our prior written consent.
    2. We and the supplier are obliged to collect and process the data obtained in connection with the conclusion and execution of the contract only in accordance with the statutory provisions.
    3. For details, we refer to our privacy policy, which the supplier can download from our website at
  5. Code of Conduct
    1. We have imposed a code of conduct on ourselves within the scope of our business operations to appropriately implement our human rights and environmental obligations. The code of conduct can be accessed at the following internet address: ####
    2. The supplier guarantees compliance with the behavioural obligations set out in our code of conduct in the specific supply context, provided this does not conflict with applicable and directly applicable law for the supplier.
    3. We are entitled to review the risks in the specific supply context as well as the compliance and effectiveness of the behavioural obligations imposed on the supplier at any time and at regular intervals if there are concrete indications of a violation of the obligations listed in our code of conduct.
    4. The supplier is obliged to make the best possible effort to contractually impose the agreed obligations on their sub-suppliers as well.
    5. The supplier is obliged to indemnify us against claims by third parties arising from a violation of the supplier's behavioural obligations from our code of conduct, unless the supplier can prove that it is not responsible for the violation.
  6. Prohibition of Set-Off / Rights of Retention
    1. The supplier may only set off claims against our claims if its counterclaim is undisputed, acknowledged by us, legally established, or ready for decision, or if its claim arises from the same contractual relationship from which we derive our claim.
    2. The same applies to the assertion of a right to refuse performance or a right of retention.
    3. The supplier may only assert a right of retention if we have not provided reasonable security despite the supplier's written request.
  7. Other Provisions
    1. The supplier is not entitled to have the performance owed by them provided by third parties (e.g., subcontractors) or to provide it as a partial performance without our prior written consent.
    2. The place of performance is our business location in Troisdorf, Germany.
    3. German law applies to the exclusion of the CISG.
    4. The place of jurisdiction for all disputes arising from commercial transactions with merchants and legal entities under public law is Cologne, Germany, for both parties (§ 38 German Code of Civil Procedure (ZPO)). However, we are also entitled to bring an action at the supplier's general place of jurisdiction.
    5. Amendments or supplements to these GTCP must be in writing. This also applies to the waiver of this written form requirement or any deviation from it. If individual provisions of these GTCP or the delivery transaction are or become wholly or partially invalid, the validity of the remaining provisions or the remaining parts of such clauses shall not be affected. The invalid clause shall be replaced by a provision that comes as close as possible to the purpose of this clause and is effective.


Status: February 2025


General Conditions of Purchase of Innovatec Microfibre Technology GmbH & Co. KG

  1. Scope
    1. We conclude contracts with entrepreneurs (§§ 310 para. 1, 14 German Civil Code (BGB)), legal entities under public law, and special funds under public law for deliveries and services to be provided by us only under these General Terms and Conditions of Sale (GTC). The GTC do not apply to contracts with consumers.
    2. Our GTC also apply to all future contracts in the ongoing business relationship with our customer. The customer can access and download our GTC at any time on the internet at We will also send them to the customer free of charge upon request. We send the GTC to foreign customers at the latest with each offer and each order confirmation in the contract language.
    3. Any general terms and conditions of business or purchase of the customer are hereby rejected. Terms and conditions of the customer that contradict, deviate from, supplement, or unilaterally amend our AVB shall not apply, even if we do not expressly object to them or provide or accept services without reservation; unless we have expressly agreed to such terms and conditions in writing in individual cases.
  2. Conclusion of Contract
    1. If our offer preceded the customer's order, the contract is concluded upon receipt of the order. If the customer submits an offer to us or if the customer’s order deviates from our offer, the contract is only concluded upon receipt of our order confirmation. At the customer's request, our order confirmation will be provided in writing.
    2. If our offer for the conclusion of the contract is "non-binding," we can revoke it freely until the order is received.
    3. If no order confirmation is issued by us for an offer from the customer, the contract is concluded with the execution of our delivery or other service, or, if this occurs earlier, upon receipt of our invoice.
    4. The customer is bound by its offer for 4 weeks from receipt by us.
  3. Prices, Payments
    1. Unless otherwise agreed in writing, our prices do not include packaging, freight, postage, value protection or transport insurance and do not include the applicable value added tax, if applicable. In the case of deliveries abroad, the customer shall bear the costs of customs clearance. Discounts, rebates or bonuses shall only be granted if agreed separately in writing.
    2. The payment and discount periods granted by us begin with the invoice date. The timeliness of the payment is determined by the corresponding credit to our business account.
    3. Payments are to be made in EURO free of deductions, fees, and charges to a bank designated by us. Agreed discount deductions are only permissible if the customer is not in default with another claim from our business relationship.
    4. We charge interest on arrears in commercial transactions from the due date at an initial rate of 5% p.a.; from the date of default, default interest at a rate of 9 percentage points p.a. above the respective base interest rate. The assertion of further default damages remains unaffected.
    5. Granted payment terms lapse if a significant deterioration in the customer's financial situation becomes apparent to us after the conclusion of the contract or if our customer provides incorrect or incomplete information about their creditworthiness or fails to provide information despite being requested to do so. Furthermore, we can assert our security rights and make outstanding deliveries or services dependent on the provision of appropriate security or payment concurrently with delivery or service. If the customer refuses this, we can – if legally required after the fruitless expiry of a reasonable period – withdraw from the contract, provided we have not yet rendered our performance, without the customer deriving any rights from this.
    6. We reserve the right to use payments to settle the oldest due invoice items, including the accrued interest and costs, in the order: costs, interest, principal claim.
  4. Delivery Condition, Transfer of Risk
    1. The delivery condition is ex works (Incoterms 2020) from our facilities in Troisdorf, Germany.
    2. The price and performance risk pass to the customer at the latest at the end of our regular business hours on the earliest pick-up day specified in our delivery readiness notice, in the case of a generic obligation, however, only when we have also set aside the goods.
    3. Shipment of the goods only takes place by written agreement and at the customer's risk.
  5. Deadlines and Dates, Default of Acceptance
    1. Fixed dates for our deliveries or services require our written confirmation. Partial deliveries to a reasonable extent are permissible.
    2. If the customer is in default of acceptance, fails to perform a cooperative action, or if our delivery is delayed for other reasons attributable to the customer, we are entitled to claim compensation for the resulting damage, including additional expenses (e.g., storage costs).
  6. Force Majeure, Reservation of Self-Supply, Difficulties
    1. Insofar as events that are extraordinary and unforeseeable and unavoidable for us ("force majeure") such as natural disasters, fires, explosions, epidemics, wars, terrorism, traffic disruptions, embargoes, or labour disputes prevent us from fulfilling our performance obligations, we are released from our performance obligation for the duration of such events. If such an event occurs, we will inform the customer immediately. If the disruption caused by the event lasts longer than six weeks, we may withdraw from the contract with the customer. We will reimburse the customer for any consideration already provided. The customer is not entitled to any further claims in such a case.
    2. If we are unable to provide deliveries or services because we are not supplied by our own suppliers, or not in sufficient quantity or quality, despite having concluded congruent hedging transactions, we are released from our performance obligation and may withdraw from the respective affected contract, unless we are at fault for the disruption of our supply. We will inform the customer immediately. We will reimburse the customer for any consideration already provided. The customer is not entitled to any further claims in such a case.
    3. If the fulfilment of the obligations from the concluded contract becomes significantly more difficult for us due to events beyond our reasonable control and not foreseeable at the time of the conclusion of the contract, such as official orders affecting our operations, we are entitled to demand an adjustment of the contractual conditions that allows for a reasonable overcoming of these difficulties. Until an agreement on the adjustment of the contract is reached, our performance obligations under the contract are suspended. If such an event lasts longer than six weeks and an agreement on an adjustment of the contract is not possible or is unreasonable for one of the contracting parties, both contracting parties may withdraw from the contract. If we have provided partial performance, the customer may only withdraw from the entire contract if they have no interest in the partial performance. We will reimburse the customer for any consideration already provided to the extent of the withdrawal. The customer is not entitled to any further claims in such cases.
  7. Extended and Prolonged Retention of Title
    1. We retain title to the delivered goods (“goods subject to retention of title”) until our claims against the customer have been satisfied in full (“secured claims”) and all cheques and bills of exchange have been paid. Secured claims comprise any and all current and future claims from the business relationship with the customer, including any claims for payment of the balance in the context of a current account.
    2. The customer is obliged to carefully keep the goods subject to retention of title, to maintain and repair them at the customer’s expense and to take out at the customer’s expense a new value insurance policy to the extent usually applicable in the case of a diligent businessman to insure the goods against loss and damage, and to provide us upon request with evidence demonstrating such insurance cover without undue delay by submission of a written confirmation by the insurer. The customer hereby assigns to us any future claims to insurance benefits and we accept this assignment.
    3. The customer processes the goods subject to retention of title on our behalf. We become the owner of the new items. The processing, mixing and combination of the goods subject to retention of title with other goods is also deemed to be executed for us on our behalf. We become co-owners of, and share title to the new item so created, in the proportion of the invoice value of the goods subject to retention of title to the invoice value of the other goods. In case our goods are combined or mixed with a principal item which does not belong to us, the customer hereby assigns by way of security to us any future rights to the principal item and we hereby accept this assignment. New items and principal items in terms of this section 10.3 are also deemed to be subject to retention of title.
    4. The customer is entitled to dispose of the goods subject to retention of title in the regular course of business for as long as the customer is not in default of payment. This does not apply if and to the extent that the customer and his purchasers have agreed on a prohibition of assignment as regards the customer’s claims for purchase price or work remuneration. The customer is not entitled to pledge the goods which are subject to retention of title, to transfer title to them by way of security or otherwise encumber or put a lien on them. The customer is not allowed either to assign his claims from the resale of the goods subject to retention of title in order to have them collected by way of factoring unless the customer irrevocably agrees with the factor that the consideration has to be provided or paid directly to us to the extent that there are secured claims.
    5. In the case of the resale of the goods subject to retention of title, the customer is obliged to safeguard our rights to an extent which is equivalent to the amount of the secured claims if and to the extent that this is appropriate in the regular course of business. This can be ensured by the customer making the transfer of title to the goods sold by the customer to his purchaser dependent on the full payment of such goods.
    6. If the customer sells the goods which are subject to retention of title, the customer is deemed to thereby assign by way of security to us in the amount of the secured claims any future claims against the customer’s purchasers or third parties arising from the resale (including any claims for payment of a balance in the context of a current account) including any and all security interest, liens and ancillary rights including any claims arising from bills of exchange and cheques. We hereby accept this assignment. If the goods subject to retention of title are sold together with other items at an overall price, the assignment is limited to the proportionate partial amount of the customer’s invoice for the goods subject to retention of title. If goods are sold of which we have become co-owners according to section 10.3, the assignment is limited to such part of the claim which corresponds to our co-ownership share.
    7. The customer is entitled to collect for us on the customer own behalf, in his own name and for his own account the claims assigned to us in accordance with section 10.2 and 10.6 if and to the extent that we do not revoke this authorization. This is without prejudice to our right to collect the assigned claims ourselves. However, we will not collect the assigned claims.
    8. In the case of default or a substantial worsening of the customer’s financial situation or any other breach of duty by the customer other than a minor one, the customer agrees, subject to the provisions of § 107 subs. 2 German Insolvency Act (InsO) to surrender the goods subject to retention of title. This obligation exists regardless of a withdrawal or the granting of a grace period. The customer already now permits us to enter the customer’s premises for the purpose of collecting the goods. We are entitled to resell any surrendered goods in the regular course of business and to deduct the costs of realization as well as our other claims against the customer from the obtained proceeds. The goods subject to retention of title are taken back by way of security only; this may only be deemed to constitute a withdrawal from the contract if this is explicitly declared in writing. When calculating the remuneration for the use of the goods or the benefits derived in the event of cancellation, the reduction in value that has occurred in the meantime must be taken into account.  We shall also not revoke the Customer's authorisation to collect as long as the Customer is not in default of payment and his financial circumstances have not deteriorated significantly.  In such a case, the customer is obliged to provide us with all information and documents which are necessary to assert the assigned claims.
    9. The customer is obliged to inform us without undue delay about any execution initiated by third parties which is levied upon the goods subject to retention of title or upon the claims assigned to us or on any other security, disclosing at the same time all information required for an intervention; this also applies to any other impediments of any kind whatsoever. If and to the extent that the third party is unable to reimburse us for the judicial or extra-judicial costs incurred by us in this connection, the customer will be liable for such costs.
    10. We undertake to release the security to which we are entitled according to the preceding provisions at the customer’s request to the extent that the value which can be realized from the security exceeds 110%, or the estimated value of the goods subject to retention of title exceeds 150% of the claims to be secured. It is our responsibility to choose the goods which have to be released. The realizable value is the value which can be obtained from the realization of the goods subject to retention of title at the time of our decision on the request for release in the case of a (hypothetical) insolvency of the customer. The estimated value is the market price of the goods subject to retention of title at the aforesaid point in time.
    11. If and to the extent that the retention of title should be ineffective according to the foreign law of the country where the goods subject to retention of title are located, the customer will be obliged to provide equivalent security upon our request. If the customer fails to comply with such request, we may claim immediate payment of all outstanding invoices.
  8. Non-Conforming Delivery or Service – Warranty
    1. If the delivery or service provided by us is defective, the mutual claims, rights, and objections of us and the customer are governed by the statutory provisions with the following deviations:
    2. The information contained in our brochures and catalogues, such as illustrations, drawings, weight, and dimension specifications, are non-binding unless we have expressly designated them as binding.
    3. We are only obliged to deliver goods of average type and quality, taking into account commercial tolerances regarding dimensions, weight, and quality/packaging.
    4. If the customer has a claim for subsequent performance, we have the choice between rectification and replacement delivery.
    5. We will only bear the costs of subsequent performance (including the necessary expenses for this within the meaning of § 439 or § 635 German Civil Code (BGB)) to the extent that they are reasonable in the individual case, particularly in relation to the order value. Such costs are disproportionate if they exceed one and a half times our remuneration for the defective performance.
    6. The customer's claims for damages due to defects in the delivery or service exist only under the conditions specified in clause 8. The customer's claims from guarantees assumed by us remain unaffected.
    7. The warranty period is determined by the statutory provisions. It begins with the delivery.
    8. The statutory inspection and notification obligations according to § 377 German Commercial Code (HGB) apply. Initial sample approvals by our customer do not release them from their inspection and notification obligations and do not limit these obligations.
    9. If improper use of the goods leads to an impairment of their functionality, this shall not constitute a defect and shall not give rise to any warranty claims.
  9. Liability
    1. Claims for damages by the customer, regardless of the legal basis, as well as claims for reimbursement of futile expenses are excluded, unless the cause of the damage is based on either an intentional or grossly negligent breach of duty or at least a negligent breach of a contractual obligation, the fulfilment of which characterizes the contract and on which the customer may rely (essential contractual obligation); in the latter case, liability is limited to the foreseeable and contract-typical damage at the time of conclusion of the contract.
    2. The above limitation of liability according to clause 9.1 also applies to the personal liability of our employees, representatives, and organs as well as our vicarious agents.
    3. The limitations of liability according to clauses 9.1 and 9.2 do not apply to personal injury, i.e., damage resulting from injury to life, body, or health, in the case of liability under the Product Liability Act, and to the extent that we have exceptionally assumed a guarantee..
  10. Limitation Period
    1. Notwithstanding § 438 para. 1 no. 3 German Civil Code (BGB), the general limitation period for claims arising from material and legal defects is one year from delivery. If acceptance has been agreed, the limitation period begins with acceptance.
    2. The above limitation periods under sales law also apply to contractual and non-contractual claims for damages by the customer based on a defect in the goods, unless the application of the regular statutory limitation period (§§ 195, 199 German Civil Code (BGB)) would lead to a shorter limitation period in individual cases. Claims for damages by the customer due to intentional or grossly negligent breach of duty as well as under clause 9.1 are subject exclusively to the statutory limitation periods.
  11. Third-Party Intellectual Property Rights, Indemnification, Own Intellectual Property Rights
    1. It is solely the customer's responsibility to ensure that, due to its specifications for the goods and their further processing, third-party intellectual property rights or other rights in countries of the European Union or in countries to which the goods are delivered on behalf of the customer are not infringed.
    2. If we are held liable by a third party for an infringement of intellectual property rights due to a specification provided by our customer:
    • We will inform our customer immediately,
    • Our customer will fully indemnify us against all justified claims of third parties, including reasonable costs of legal defence and/or legal prosecution, upon first written request,
    • Our customer will, at its option and expense, either obtain a right of use for the relevant specifications for us or modify the specifications so that the intellectual property right is not infringed, unless we are solely responsible for the infringement.

Our further statutory claims remain unaffected.

    1. Our claims for infringement of intellectual property rights or other legal defects expire 10 years after the transfer of risk.
    2. We retain all rights, including copyrights, trademark rights, company rights, and know-how rights, to any production facilities, illustrations, drawings, samples, brochures, calculations, and other documents. They may not be made accessible to third parties, reproduced, distributed, or otherwise used by our customer without our express written approval, particularly not imitated, reconstructed, opened, or disassembled (reverse engineering). This applies in particular to documents marked as "confidential."
    3. Upon request or if the order is not placed, the demonstration material must be returned to us immediately.
    4. We are entitled to demand reasonable compensation for demonstration material created by us if the order is not placed.
  1. Proof of Export, Export License, Confirmation of Arrival, Export, Reimport
    1. If the customer, who is based outside the Federal Republic of Germany (foreign customer) or their agent, collects and transports or ships the goods, the customer must provide us with the tax-required proof of export. If this proof is not provided, the customer must pay the VAT applicable to deliveries within the Federal Republic of Germany on the invoice amount.
    2. The sale, resale, and disposition of the deliveries and services, as well as any associated technology or documentation, may be subject to German, EU, US export control laws, and possibly the export control laws of other countries. A resale to embargoed countries, to blocked persons, or to persons who use or can use the deliveries and services for military purposes, for ABC weapons, or for nuclear technology is subject to approval. By placing the order, the customer declares compliance with such laws and regulations and that the deliveries and services will not be delivered directly or indirectly to countries where the import of these goods is prohibited or restricted. The customer declares to obtain all necessary permits for export and import.
    3. For each tax-free intra-community delivery of goods from Germany to another EU member state, the customer is obliged under § 7a and § 17c of the German VAT Implementation Ordinance (Umsatzsteuerdurchführungsverordnung) to provide us with proof of the actual arrival of the goods (confirmation of arrival). The proof is provided on a form made available by us. If this proof is not provided, the customer must pay the VAT applicable to deliveries within the Federal Republic of Germany based on the previous (net) invoice amount.
    4. Goods intended for export to areas outside the common market of the European Economic Community must be exported. Goods that have been exported to these areas may not be reimported into the common market area.
  2. Code of Conduct
    1. We have committed ourselves to the code of conduct regarding human rights and environmental obligations, which can be accessed at ###. Furthermore, we do not accept any additional obligations that the customer wishes to impose on us unless we have expressly agreed to such obligations in individual cases.
  3. Confidentiality
    1. "Confidential information" within the meaning of the following confidentiality obligation shall be business secrets within the meaning of § 2 No. 1 German Business Secrets Protection Act (GeschGehG), even if no appropriate protective measures within the meaning of § 2 No. 1 lit. b German Business Secrets Act (GeschGehG) have been taken as well as all information (including data, records, documents, drawings, samples, technical components and know-how) which is/was made available to the customer's bodies, employees, consultants or other third parties working for the customer within the framework of this contract and the negotiations for this contract, in particular about our company, our suppliers, our production processes, our price calculation, etc., and which is marked as confidential or which by its nature requires confidentiality. Whether and on which carrier medium the confidential information is embodied is irrelevant; in particular, oral information is also included.
    2. The customer is obliged to keep the Confidential Information strictly confidential and not to disclose or make it available to third parties without our written consent. Our customer shall take appropriate precautions to protect the Confidential Information, but at least those precautions with which it protects particularly sensitive information about its own business and shall take appropriate secrecy measures within the meaning of § 2 para. 1 no. 2 lit. b German Business Secrets Protection Act (GeschGehG).
    3. The customer is not entitled to use Confidential Information disclosed by us for any purpose other than for the purpose of the respective performance of the contract. In particular, our customer shall not be entitled to reproduce, reconstruct, open or disassemble (reverse engineer) any samples received or any other corresponding information. This prohibition ends as soon as the product, sample or other Confidential Information in question has been made publicly available.
    4. The afore-mentioned confidentiality obligations of the customer do not apply to information with regard to which the customer can prove that
    • we have given our prior written consent to the disclosure or use by the customer in the specific individual case;
    • the information was manifest and evident prior to the confidentiality obligation;
    • the customer obtained the information from a third party prior to the confidentiality obligation or thereafter without contravening the provisions of this confidentiality obligation that the third party has, in either case, lawfully obtained possession of the information and the disclosure does not constitute a violation of a confidentiality or non-disclosure agreement that is binding for such third party; or
    • the customer is obliged by law or by any applicable stock exchange regulations or by an enforceable order issued by a competent court or authority to disclose Confidential Information.
    1. This confidentiality obligation ends five years after termination of the business relationship.
  1. Data Protection
    1. We, as well as the customer, are obliged to collect and process the data collected in connection with the conclusion and execution of the contract only in accordance with the legal requirements.
    2. For details, we refer to our privacy policy, which the customer can download from our website
  2. Prohibition of Set-Off / Retention Rights
    1. The customer can only set off our claims if their counterclaim is undisputed, recognized by us, or legally established, or if it is ready for decision or arises from the same contractual relationship from which we derive our claim.
    2. The same applies to the assertion of a right to refuse performance or a right of retention.
    3. The customer can only assert a right of retention if we have not provided adequate security despite the customer's written request.
  3. Miscellaneous Provisions
    1. The place of performance is our business location in Troisdorf, Germany. The place of jurisdiction for all disputes arising from commercial transactions with merchants and legal entities under public law is Cologne (§ 38 German Code of Civil Procedure (ZPO)). This also applies to bill of exchange and check processes. We can also take legal action against our customer at their general place of jurisdiction.
    2. German law applies to the exclusion of the CISG.
    3. Amendments or additions to these GTC must be in writing. This also applies to the waiver of this written form requirement or any deviation from it.
    4. If individual provisions of these GTC or the delivery transaction are or become wholly or partially invalid, the validity of the remaining provisions or remaining parts of such clauses shall not be affected. The invalid clause shall be replaced by a provision that comes as close as possible to the purpose of this clause and is effective



Status: February 2025